Monday, August 13, 2012

The end of a great thing often leads to something even better...

Through a lot of serious consideration, I've decided to discontinue my blog.

Over the past few months, I've come to feel that Google+ is a superior option for sharing photos, having discussions, and getting photographers/photography fans to engage. I have really loved utilizing Blogger and all ofits fantastic tools to help promote Jordana Wright Photography, America By Rail, and other adventures, but I truly believe that the heyday of blogs is in the past. Micro-blogging through social media seems to be the future. You've heard my rants about the amazing-ness of Google+ before, and the discontinuation of the blog is me putting my money where my mouth is.

I am going gung-ho, full-on G+.

From now on, all of the content I would normally post on this blog will be shared to my personal Google+ account, but I've decided to add to that a bit. Today I launched my photography hint/tip/idea page on G+ +The Digital Classroom. Please add it to your G+ circles, or your bookmarks and you'll be able to get gear reviews, how-to's, and ideas about photography. My first post is about how to achieve the "poor man's macro" through certain Canon accessories.

All of the old content of the blog will remain posted, so previous clients, photographs, and articles will still be here, right where you left them.

My personal Google+ page can be found here:

My Digital Classroom Google+ page can be found here:

Thanks for following and I hope you keep right along with me on G+!